The first of a
series of articles on Commuterlites from our
esteemed Commuterlite Examiner Jeff (Flapper)

Hi all, if you
do not know me, I’m Jeff Brown (Flapper) and as of
the last BRA AGM elected to the position of
Commuterlite machine examiner. As part of my role I
also volunteered to help out Jim Murphy in his
efforts to keep the BRA website active by providing
an article appropriate to Commuterlites every month
if possible. So with this in mind I would like to
start with some of the topics that were discussed at
the AGM in regards to Commuterlites, and how I
intend to interpret the Commuterlite rule that are
relative to the topics.
Firstly, if you have
any queries about Commuterlites, I’m not your man.
The Commuterlite Rep for the BRA is Peter Brown, no
relationship here of course, and he’s the best man
to contact about how to get involved in
One of the topics discussed at
the AGM was BRACKETS, or more to the point, the
removal of brackets. Well the removal of brackets in
the Commuterlite class is strictly a no no, with the
exception of the following items and or
You can remove brackets that are:
Bolted onto or held in place by screws as long as they do not affect the
integrity of the chassis or frame.
- Support pillion foot pegs that are not welded to the chassis or frame.
- Part of the centre or side stand assembly.
- Redundant OEM exhaust system hangers.
So it’s reasonably simple then to set up a Commuterlite
without the need for extensive cutting and welding.
Bottom line is that if you’re unsure, don't do it,
as you won’t get any finish points in the
Commuterlite class, and very few in the Motolite
class, the equivalent of being sent to hell with 14
The Commuterlite class is not about a
full stripdown, racebike conversion; you cannot
remove brackets that are OEM welded to the chassis
or frame. All welded supports and brackets are to
remain intact.
The original foot peg
mounting position/bracket/supports must remain.
Aftermarket items must utilise the original
Even the heavy steering lock
bracket must remain, along with the ignition key,
barrel and the lock pin itself. This also indicates
that the brackets that retain the OEM wiring loom as
well as the loom itself must remain as originally
manufactured. And if you intend using an aftermarket
instrument panel, the original mounting system
“should” be used if possible to attach the new
unit. From the point of switching to the use of
silhouette body panels the original “steel” brackets
and panel supports that unbolt can be replaced to
receive your new race glass. If you have to add a
bracket or two to fit these up it is acceptable to
use whatever material is applicable to the task. If
as in the case of the Yamaha YZF R125, there is a 2
part mounting system, the bolt on component can be
replaced or removed, but the part welded to the
frame rail must remain. Along with the top
fairing/instrument/headlight mount, and that’s one
heavy bracket.
It makes very little
difference to the performance of your Commuterlite
as to whether you remove or retain brackets and
supports, but the class concept is simple and
simplicity is the key concept that is making the
class so attractive to NEW riders as well as some of
the A grade types. For the last 2 seasons that I
raced my Commuterlite it has been an absolute show
room example of the concept, the bike was, as of the
last 1 hour race in 2012 still road registered and
ridden, and over those 2 years placed a second and a
third in the 1 hour enduro’s, along with a 10th
outright, and would have done much better apart from
this riders ability to go slow. Bog stock within the
Commuterlite rules using a fuel controller, no air
box and a trick exhaust with good tyres. All good,
so get on with it guys and girls, ride the wheels off of
your Commuterlite and when you can’t go any faster,
jump on a Superlite or a Motolite, the best fun you
can have on 2 wheels.
The next time I’ll get
into the tighter details of looms and relays, fans
and thermostats.
Cheers Flap.
Some well
turned out Commuterlites.

2012 Commuterlite Champion
Ryan Young at the final round at SMP.
Honda CBR125.

Kairl always on nicely turned out and well set up
machinery Honda. CBR125.

himself pushing the little Yamaha trying to keep up
with those pesky Honda CBRs